Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Word List Apart From Barron's

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WORDLIST Apart from Barrons..

1.tarn…small mountain lake
2.tatterdemalion…ragged fellow
3.taurine…like a bull
4.teleology…doctrine of final causes
7.theosophy…wisdom in diveine things
8.tocsin…alarm bell
9.trencherman…good eater
10.triolet… line stanza
11.troglodyte…cave dweller
12.trope…figure of speech
13.truckle…curry favour,act in a obsequious way
14.trumpery…objects that are showy,valueless,deceptive
16.usufruct…right of enjoying things belonging to others
17.valance…short drapery hanging above window frame
20.vituperate…spread negative information about
21.votary…follower of a cult

1.idyll…a musical composition that evokes rural life.
2.imbrue…drench,stain especially with blood
3.imprimatur…permission to print a book
4.incarnadine…stain crimson or blood…colour
5.ingenue…an artless girl;an actress who plays such parts
6.integument…outer covering or skin
7.interlocutory…intermediate;not final
10.jejune…lacking interest;barren;meager
12.kiosk…summerhouse;open pavilion
14.lagniappe…trifling present given to a customer
15.lambent…flickering;softly radiant
16.lapidary…worker in precious stones
18.lesion…injury,unhealthy change in structure
20.lieu…instead of
22.lupine…like a wolf
24.maunder…talk incoherently;utter drivel
26.mesa…high flat…topped hill
27.mews…group of stables buil around a courtyard
30.morganatic…marriage between a royal and a common
31.mugwump…defector from a party
32.murrain…plague;cattle disease
33.natal…pertaining to birth
34.nave…main body of a church
36.necrology…list of teh dead
37.non sequitor…conclusion that doesn’t follow from facts
39.nosegay…fragrant bouquet
40.objurgation…severe rebuke;scolding
41.oblation…the eucharist;pious donation
42.obliquity…departure from right principle;perversity
44.offertory…collection of money at relegious ceremony
46.ovine…like a sheep
47.palaver…misleading speech;chatter
48.palliation…act of making less severe or violent
49.panoply…complete suit of armour
50.paregoric…medicine tha eases pain
53.parvenu…upstart,newly rich person
54.patrimony…inheritance from father
56.pelf…stolen property
57.pennate…having wings or feathers
58.perforce…of necessity
59.persiflage…flippant conversation;banter
60.picaresque…pertaining to rogues in literature
61.plebiscite…expression of will of people by direct election
62.plenipotentiary…fully empowered
64.postprandial…after dinner
66.qui vive…wide awake;expectant
67.quibble…escape of main point of an argument
68.prorogue…dismiss parliament
69.recherche…choice;sought after
70.recreant…coward;betrayer of faith
71.recrudescence…reopening of a wound or sore
72.recusant…person who refuses to comply
73.refection…slight refreshment
74.renascence…revival of learning and culture
75.reticulated…covered with a network;having a mesh like appearence
76.rheumy…pertaining to discharge from nose and eyes
77.rime…white frosts
78.risible…inclined to laugh;ludicrous
79.risque…verging on the improper;off…colour
80.roan…brown mixed with gray or white
83.saltatory…relating to leaping
84.salutatory…opening oration at commencement in american colleges
86.sangfroid…coolness in a trying situation
89.sarcophagus…highly decorated stone coffin
90.savoir faire…poise;sophistication
91.scarify…make slight incisions in;scratch
92.sciolism…quackery;superficial information
93.screed…long tiresome harangue
94.scullion…menial kitchen worker
95.senescence…state of growing old
96.sequacious…eager to follow;ductile
97.serried…standing shoulder to shoulder;crowded
99.shoal…shallow place
100.slattern…untidy person
105.stertorous…having a snoring sound
106.sub rosa…in strict confidence
107.sudorific…pertaining to perspiration
108.sumptuary…limiting or regulating expenditures
110.suppurate…create pulse

2.adduce…….present as evidence
4.afferent…carrying towards the center
6.affray…public brawl
7.amortization…act of reducing debt thro partial payments
8.andirons…metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs
9.apologue…fable,a short allegorical story with a moral
10.apoplexy…sudden loss of consciousness,a stroke
11.arrogate…claim or seize without right,attribute unjustly
12.asseverate…assert solemnly
14.athwart…across,in opposition
15.auscultation…act of listening to heart/lungs to find abnormalities
17.bassoon…reed instrument of the woodwind family
18.batten…grow fat,thrive upon others
19.benighted…overcame by darkness
20.bete noire…aversion,person/thing strongly disliked
21.bibulous…inclined to drink,affected by alcohol.
22.bilge…where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom cause to leak(as of vessels),take in water at the bilge
23.billingsgate…vituperation,abusive language
24.blazon…decorate with a heraldic coat of arms.
26.brazier…open pans in which live coals are burned.
27.breviary…book containing daily prayers
28.bruit…tell or spread rumours
29.bumptious…self assertive
30.buskin…thick soled half boot worn by actors of greek tragedy
31.cadge…ask for and get free;be a parasite
32.calk…a metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent
slipping;seal with calking;injure with a calk.
33.caparison…put showy ornamentation on a horse.
34.carmine…rich red
35.carte blanche…unlimited authority or freedom.
36.caryatid…sculptured column of a female figure.
37.casuistry…subtle/sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute
38.champ…chew noisily
39.chattel…personal property
43.cockade…decoration worn on hat
44.cognomen…family name
45.collier…worker in a coal mine;ship carrying coal.
46.coltish…given to merry frolicking
47.conch…large seashell
48.concordat…agreement,usually between papal authority and the
49.conjoin…to unite
50.contumely…scornful insolence;insult
51.cormorant…greedy rapacious bird
52.corsair…pirate ship
55.crepuscular…pertaining to twilight
56.cruet…small glass bottle for vinegar,oil etc
57.debenture…bond issued to secure a loan
58.defalcate…misuse money held in trust
59.demesne…domain;land over which one has full sovereignty
60.depilate…remove hair
61.descant…discuss fully
62.desideratum…that which is desired.
63.desuetude…disused condition.
64.dipsomaniac…one who has srong craving for liquor.
65.dishabille…in a state of undress
68.divestiture…an order to an offending party to rid itelf of property.
72.educe…draw forth;elicit
75.epiphany…any apperance or bodily manifestation of a
76.equipage…horse drawn carriage
77.esprit de corps…comradeship;spirit
78.eviscerate…disembowel,remove entrails
79.ewer…water pitcher
80.ex officio…by virtue of one’s office
83.fester…generate pus
84.fiduciary…pertaining to a position of trust
86.flotilla…small fleet
88.freshet…sudden flood
93.gaff…hook;barbed fishing spear
96.gauntlet…leather glove
98.gig…2 wheeled carriage
99.hawser…large rope
100.hogshead…large barrel
102.hoyden…boisterous girl
103.hustings…meetings particularly to choose candidates
104.hypothecate…mortgage;pledge as security

these are some more words

abettor: encourager
abrade: wear away by friction, erode
acephalous: headless
acquiesce: to assent, agree passively
adduce: present as evidence
adumbration: foreshadowing, to give a sketchy outline of
afferent: carrying towards the center
afflatus: inspiration
agronomist: scientist engaged in the management of land
amortization: act of reducing debts through partial payments
andirons: metal suppots in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs
apologue: moral fable
apoplexy: stroke, loss of consciousness
appurtenances: subordinate possessions
arrant: complete, thorough
arrogate: claim without reasonable grounds
asseverate: make a positive statement or solemn declaration
atelier: workshop, studio
athwart: across, in opposition
auscultation: act of listening to the heat or lungs for abnormalities
avatar: incarnation

bassoon : a reed musical instrument
batten: grow fat, thrive upon others
benighted: overcome by darkness
betenoire: aversion, a person or thing stongly disliked
billingsgate: vituperation, abusive language
blazon: decorate with an heraldic coat of arms
bluff: high cliff
bootless: useless
brazier: open pan in which live coals are burned
breviary: book containing daily prayers
bumptious: self assertive
buskin: thick soled half boot worn by actors of Greek tragedy

cameo: shell or jewel carved in relief
caparison: put showy ornamentation on a horse
carmine: rich red
carte blanche: an unlimited authority or freedom
caryatid: sculptured column of a female figure
causistry: subtle or sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute decisions
causus: a private meeting or party
champ: chew noisily
chattel: personal property
chiromancy: act of telling fortunes by reading hands, palmistry
chiropodist: one who treats disorders of the feet
cloven: split
coadjutor: assistant, colleague
cockade: decoration worn on the hat
collier: workers in coal mine, ship carrying coal
concordat: agreement
contemn: to view with contempt; despise
contumely: scornful insolence, insult
cormorant: greedy, rapacious bird
cortege: procession
coruscate: glitter, scintillate
crepuscular: pertaining to twilight
cruet: small bottle for vinegar, oil etc
cul-de-sac : blind alley, trap

dastard: coward
debenture: bond issued to secure a loan
decrepit: worn out by age
defalcate: misuse money held in trust, embezzle
deliquescent: capable of absorbing moisture from the air and becoming liquid
demesne: domain, land over which a person has full sovereignty
depilate : to remove hair
descant: to discuss fully
desideratum: that which is desired
desuetude: disuse
dipsomaniac : one who has strong cravings for intoxicating liquor
dishabille: in a state of undress
distaff: women considered as a group; attachment for spinning wheel
drone: an idle person
duenna: an older attendant for a young female, chaperone, governess
durance: restraint, imprisonment

eclat: a brilliance; glory
educe: draw forth; elicit
efflorescent: flowering
effulgent: brilliantly radiant
elusory: tending to deceive expectations; elusive
emblazon: deck in brilliant colours
emeritus: retired but retained in an honorary capacity
empyreal: celestial; fiery
endive: species of leafy plants used in salads
epicurean: person who devotes himself to the pleasure of the senses
equipage: horse drawn carriage
escutcheon: shield shaped surface on which coat of arms is placed
esprit de corps: morale; comradeship
eviscerate: disembowel; remove entrails
ewer: water pitcher
ex officio: by virtue of one's office
exhaustive: thorough; comprehensive

fain: gladly; happily
faux pas or slip in manners or behaviours
fealty: loyalty; faithfulness
fetish: object supposed to possess magical powers
fiduciary: pertaining to a position of trust
flagellate: flog; whip
flotilla: small fleet
freebooter: buccaneer
freshet: sudden flood
froward: disobedient; perverse; stubborn
frowzy: slovenly; untidy
fulgent: beaming; radiant
fustian: pompous; bombastic

gaff: hook; barbed fishing spear
gamester: gambler
gasconade: bluster; boastfulness
gauntlet: leather glove
gibbet: gallows
gig: two wheeled carriage
gloaming: twilight

hauteur: haughtiness
hawser: large rope
hegira: flight; especially Mohammed's flight from Mecca
heretic: person who maintains opinions contrary to the church
hogshead: large barrel
hostelry: inn
hoyden: boisterous girl
hustings: meetings particularly to choose candidates
hyberborean: situated in extreme north; arctic; cold
hypothecate: mortgage; pledge as security

imbrue: to drench; stain; especially with blood
imprimatur: permission to print or publish a book
imputation: charge,reproach
incarnadine: stain crimson or blood colour
ingenue: an artless girl; an actress who plays such parts
integument: outer covering or skin
interlocutory: conversational; intermediate, not final
interment: act of burying
interstices: chinks; crevices
irrefragable:not to be disproved; indisputable
iterate: repeat for a second time

jejune: lacking interest; barren; meager
jeremiad: lament or complaint

kiosk: summerhouse; open pavilion
kith: familiar friends
knavery: rascality

lackey: footman; toady
lagniappe: trifling present given to a customer
lambent: flickering; softly radiant
laminated: made of thin plates or scales
lapidary: worker in precious stones
lave: wash
lesion: unhealthy change in strucure; injury
lissome: agile, lithe
lubricity: slipperiness; evasiveness
lucent: shining

mall: public walk
maunder: talk incoherently; utter drivel
melange: medley; miscellany
meringue: pastry decoration made of white eggs
mesa : high
mews: a group of stables built around a courtyard
mien: a demeanor; a bearing
minaret: a slender tower attached to a mosque
miscegenation: an intermarriage between races
moeity: half, part
moor: marshy wasteland
morganatic: describing a marriage between a member of the royal family and a commoner
mugwump: defector from a party
murrain: plague, cattle disease

nave: main body of church
neap: lowest
necrology: obituary notice; list of the dead
non sequitor: a conclusion that does not follow the facts stated
nosegay: fragrant bouqet

objurgate: scold; rebuke severly
oblation: the eucharist; pious donation
offal: waste; garbage
offertory: collection of money at a religious ceremony
orison: prayer
orotund : having a round, resonant quality; inflated speech

paddock: saddling enclosure at race track; lot for exercising horses
palaver: discussion; misleading speech
panoply: full set of armor
parapet: low wall at edge of roof or balcony
paregoric: medicine that eases pain
parlous: dangerous; perilous
parricide: murder of a father
parturition: delivery, childbirth
parvenu: upstart; newly rich person
patricide: person who murders his father
patrimony: inheritance from father
peculate: steal; embezzle
pediment: a triangular part above columns in Greek buildings
pelf: stolen property; money or wealth
pennate: having wings or feathers
perforce: of necessity
peristyle: series of columns surrounding a building
persiflage: flippant conversation; banter
phial: a small bottle
picaresque: pertaining to rogues in literature
plangent: plaintive; resounding sadly
plenipotentiary: fully empowered
poltroon: coward
pommel: beat
porphyry: igneous rock containing feldspar or quartz crystals
portentous: ominous; serious
postprandial: after dinner
preciosity: overrefinement in art or speech
proboscis: long snout; nose
prognathous: having projecting jaws
prorogue: dismiss parliament; end officially
provender: dry food; fodder
purblind: dim sighted; obtuse
purloin: to steal

qui vie: wide awake; expectant

rampant: rearing up on hind legs; unrestrained
rapprochement: a reconciliation
ravening: rapacious; seeking prey
recherche: choice; sought after; rare
recreant: coward; betrayar of faith
recrudescence: reopening of a wound or sore
recusant: person who refuses to comply
refection: slight refreshment
refutation: disproof of opponents' arguments
rescission: abrogation; annulment
reticulated: covered with a network; having the appearance of a mesh
rheumy: pertaining to a discharge from the eyes and nose
rime: white frost
risible: inclined to laugh; ludicrous
roan: brown mixed with grey or white
rood: crucifix
rubicund: having a healthy reddish colour; ruddy; florid

sacerdotal: priestly
saffron: orange coloured
saltatory: relating to leaping
salver: tray
sangfroid: coolness in a trying situation
sapid: savoury; tasty; relishable
sapient: wise, shrewd
sarcophagus: stone coffin; tomb
satiety: a condition of being crammed full; a repletion
satrap: petty ruler working for a superior despot
savoir fare: tact; poise; concentration
scarify: make slight incisions in; scratch
sciolism: quackery; superficial information
scion: offspring
screed: long, tiresome harangue
scullion: menial kitchen worker
scuttle: to scurry; to run with short steps ; sink
sebacious: oily; fatty
senescence: state of growing old
sequacious: eager to follow; ductile
seraph: high ranking; angel of the first order
serried: standing shoulder to shoulder; crowded
shibboleth: watchword; slogan
shoal: shallow place
similitude: similarity; using comparisons such as similes
sirocco: a windstorm
slattern: untidy or slovenly person
sobriquet: nickname
soupcon: suggestion; hint; taste
splenetic: spiteful; irritable; peevish
spoliation: pillaging; depredation; plundering
spume: froth; foam
stein: a beer mug
stertorous: having a snoring sound
sub rosa: in strict confidence; privately
sudorific: pertaining to perspiration
sumptuary: limiting or regulating expenditures
supernal: heavenly; celestial
suppurate: create pus
surcease: cessation

tarn: small mountain lake
tatterdemalion: a ragged fellow
taurine: like a bull
teleology: doctrine of final causes
tenebrous: dark; gloomy
tergiversation: evasion; fickleness
termagant: a shrew; scolding person
terrapin: an American marsh tortoise
thaumaturgist: miracle worker; magician
theosophy: wisdom in divine things
threnody: song of lamentation; dirge
thyme: an aromatic plant used for seasoning
tocsin: an alarm bell
tortilla: a flat cake made of cornmeal
transpire: exhale; happen
treacle: syrup obtained in refining sugar
trencherman: good man
triolet: eight line stanza
troglodyte: cave dweller
trope: figure of speech like a metaphor
truckle: curry favour; act in an obsequious way
trumpery: objects that are showy,valueless, deceptive
tumbrel: a farm tipcart
turnkey: jailor

ukase: official degree, usually Russian

valance: short drapery hanging above window frame
valetudinarian: invalid; aged
vellum: a parchment
venal: capable of being bribed
vermicular: pertaining to a worm
vertiginous: giddy; causing dizziness
virago: shrew
votary: follower of a cult

welkin: sky
wraith: ghost; phantom of a living person

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