Wednesday, November 4, 2009

501 Antonym And Synonym Questions

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501 Synonym & Antonym Questions


1 Synonyms 1
2 Antonyms 9
3 Synonyms 17
4 Antonyms 25
5 Synonyms 33
6 Antonyms 41
7 Synonyms and Antonyms 49
8 Synonyms 57
9 Antonyms 65
10 Synonyms 73
11 Antonyms 81
12 Synonyms 89
13 Antonyms 97
14 Synonyms and Antonyms 103

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word

1. remote
a. automatic
b. distant
c. savage
d. mean
2. detest
a. argue
b. hate
c. discover
d. reveal
3. gracious
a. pretty
b. clever
c. pleasant
d. present
4. predict
a. foretell
b. decide
c. prevent
d. discover
5. kin
a. exult
b. twist
c. friend
d. relative
6. pensive
a. oppressed
b. caged
c. thoughtful
d. happy

7. banish
a. exile
b. hate
c. fade
d. clean
8. fraud
a. malcontent
b. argument
c. imposter
d. clown
9. saccharine
a. leave
b. sweet
c. arid
d. quit
10. drag
a. sleepy
b. crush
c. proud
d. pull
11. jovial
a. incredulous
b. merry
c. revolting
d. dizzy
12. indifferent
a. neutral
b. unkind
c. precious
d. mean
13. simulate
a. excite
b. imitate
c. trick
d. apelike
14. charisma
a. ghost
b. force
c. charm
d. courage
15. apportion
a. divide
b. decide
c. cut
d. squabble
16. generic
a. general
b. cheap
c. fresh
d. elderly
17. qualm
a. distress
b. impunity
c. persevere
d. scruple
18. wary
a. calm
b. curved
c. confused
d. cautious
19. distort
a. wrong
b. evil
c. deform
d. harm
20. sumptuous
a. delirious
b. gorgeous
c. perilous
d. luxurious
21. reel
a. whirl
b. fish
c. hit
d. mistake
22. inscrutable
a. difficult
b. mysterious
c. inflexible
d. wary
23. appall
a. delirious
b. covered
c. dismay
d. confuse
24. upright
a. honorable
b. horizontal
c. humble
d. supine
25. reverie
a. palimpsest
b. phantom
c. daydream
d. curio
26. loot
a. destruction
b. waste
c. spoils
d. cavort
27. loquacious
a. talkative
b. thirsty
c. beautiful
d. complicated
28. chimera
a. chimney
b. protest
c. illusion
d. panache
29. temerity
a. audacity
b. fearfulness
c. shyness
d. stupidity
30. educe
a. demand
b. elicit
c. ideal
d. unlawful

31. nabob
a. bigwig
b. doubter
c. frolic
d. converse
32. pall
a. light
b. satiate
c. carry
d. horror
33. sacrosanct
a. prayer
b. sanctuary
c. pious
d. sacred
34. louche
a. gauche
b. fine
c. brilliant
d. indecent
35. stentorian
a. violent
b. misbegotten
c. loud
d. stealthy

1. b. remote means faraway, or distant
2. b. to detest means to feel intense or violent dislike, or to hate
3. c. gracious means to be pleasant or considerate in social
4. a. to predict means to declare in advance or to foretell
5. d. kin means people with common ancestors, or relatives
6. c. pensive means moodily or dreamily thoughtful
7. a. to banish means to drive out from home or country, or to exile
8. c. a fraud is someone who is not what he or she pretends to be, or
an imposter
9. b. saccharine means overly sweet
10. d. to drag is to pull, or to cause movement in a direction with
applied force
11. b. jovial means good humored or merry
12. a. to be indifferent is to be marked by impartiality or to be
13. b. to simulate is to assume the outward appearance of, or to
14. c. charisma is magnetic charm or appeal
15. a. to apportion is to divide and share out
16. a. generic means having the characteristic of a whole group,
or general

17. d. a qualm is a feeling of uneasiness about a moral issue, or a
18. d. wary means to be attentive especially to danger, or to be
19. c. to distort means to twist out of a normal state, or to deform
20. d. sumptuous means excessively costly, rich, or luxurious
21. a. one meaning of reel is to move round and round, or to whirl
22. b. inscrutable means not easily interpreted or understood, or
23. c. to appall is to overcome with shock, or to dismay
24. a. upright can mean either honorable or vertical; horizontal and
supine are both antonyms of upright
25. c. a reverie means the state of being lost in thought, or a
26. c. loot means goods seized in war, or spoils
27. a. loquacious means excessively talkative, or garrulous
28. c. a chimera is a fabrication of the mind, or an illusion
29. a. temerity means unreasonable contempt for danger or
recklessness, or audacity
30. b. to educe means to develop something potential or latent; to
elicit means to draw out something hidden or latent
31. a. a nabob is a person of great wealth or importance, or a bigwig
32. b. to pall can mean to deprive of pleasure in something by

33. d. sacrosanct means the most sacred, or holy
34. d. louche means not reputable, or indecent
35. c. stentorian means loud and is usually used to imply a voice of
great power and range

36. withdraw
a. reduce
b. need
c. advance
d. want
37. secret
a. friendly
b. covert
c. hidden
d. overt
38. heartfelt
a. loving
b. insincere
c. unhealthy
d. humorous
39. impartial
a. hostile
b. biased
c. dislike
d. worried
40. luminous
a. clear
b. dim
c. brittle
d. clever
41. awe
a. borrow
b. shallow
c. low
d. contempt
Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the
word provided?
42. pit
a. group
b. peak
c. select
d. marry
43. rotund
a. round
b. unimportant
c. thin
d. dull
44. talent
a. ungrateful
b. silent
c. show
d. inability
45. common
a. strange
b. uneasy
c. quick
d. fast
46. brazen
a. bashful
b. boisterous
c. noisy
d. heated
47. expect
a. attend
b. regret
c. despair
d. loathe
48. malodorous
a. acrid
b. pungent
c. fragrant
d. delicious
49. expound
a. besmirch
b. confuse
c. confine
d. condemn
50. pique
a. value
b. gully
c. smooth
d. soothe
51. abate
a. free
b. augment
c. provoke
d. wane
52. dearth
a. lack
b. poverty
c. abundance
d. foreign
53. peaked
a. tired
b. arrogant
c. pointy
d. ruddy

54. abridge
a. shorten
b. extend
c. stress
d. easy
55. kindle
a. smother
b. detest
c. enemy
d. discourage
56. meager
a. kind
b. generous
c. thoughtful
d. copious
57. philistine
a. novice
b. intellectual
c. pious
d. debutante
58. zenith
a. worst
b. apex
c. nadir
d. past
59. germane
a. irrelevant
b. indifferent
c. impartial
d. improvident
60. irascible
a. determined
b. placid
c. reasonable
d. pliant
61. approbate
a. ingratitude
b. condemn
c. dissatisfaction
d. master
62. supercilious
a. unimportant
b. relevant
c. serious
d. meek
63. improvident
a. cautious
b. fortunate
c. proven
d. intelligent
64. demur
a. embrace
b. crude
c. boisterous
d. falter
65. fatuous
a. crafty
b. frugal
c. sensible
d. inane
66. quiescent
a. lackadaisical
b. active
c. dull
d. prescient
67. sartorial
a. cheerful
b. sincere
c. inelegant
d. homespun
68. sapient
a. hunched
b. strong
c. simple
d. simian
69. matutinal
a. paternal
b. crepuscular
c. maritime
d. marsupial
70. impecunious
a. wealthy
b. cautious
c. hungry
d. tardy

36. c. to withdraw means to remove or retreat; to advance is the
opposite of retreat
37. d. secret means hidden or covert; overt means open to view
38. b. heartfelt means expressing genuine feeling, or sincere, so
insincere is its opposite
39. b. impartial means to be without prejudice or bias, therefore
biased is the opposite
40. b. luminous means radiating or reflecting light, or glowing; dim
means dark or dull
41. d. awe means a sense of deep respect or veneration; contempt
means a lack of respect, or disdain
42. b. a pit is a hole and a peak is the top of a hill or mountain
43. c. rotund means rounded or plump, therefore thin is the opposite
44. d. a talent is a special creative or artistic ability, therefore inability
is the opposite
45. a. common means ordinary or familiar; strange means unfamiliar
46. a. brazen means to be defiant or insolent; bashful means to be shy
or timid
47. c. to expect is to wait for or to look forward to; to despair is to
lose all hope
48. c. malodorous means to have a bad smell; fragrant means
smelling sweet or delicate
49. b. to expound means to explain; to confuse, or confound, is the
opposite of expound

50. d. to pique means to excite or irritate; to soothe means to calm
51. b. to abate means to reduce in degree or intensity; to augment
means to increase
52. c. dearth means an inadequate supply or lack of something;
abundance means an ample quantity, or wealth
53. d. to be peaked is to appear pale or wan; to be ruddy is to have a
healthy, red complexion
54. b. to abridge means to shorten and to extend means to lengthen
55. a. to kindle means to start burning or ignite; to smother means to
stifle or suppress
56. d. meager means lacking in quality or quantity; copious means
present in large quantity, or abundant
57. b. philistine is used disparagingly to describe a person guided by
material rather than intellectual values; an intellectual is a
person who engages in creative use of his or her intellect
58. a. zenith means the highest point or the apex; nadir means the
lowest point
59. a. germane means to be appropriate or relevant, therefore
irrelevant is the opposite
60. b. irascible means easily angered; placid means calm or serene
61. b. to approbate means to approve or sanction; to condemn means
to declare wrong or to convict
62. d. supercilious means coolly or patronizingly haughty; meek
means enduring injury with patience and without resentment
63. a. improvident means lacking prudent foresight, or careless;
cautious means to be wary or to exercise forethought
64. a. to demur means to delay or hesitate; to embrace means to
accept readily or gladly; demure means coy
65. c. fatuous means inanely foolish; sensible is its nearest opposite
66. b. quiescent means marked by inactivity or repose, therefore
active is the opposite
67. a. sartorial means of or relating to tailored clothes; homespun
means homemade
68. c. sapient means possessing great wisdom, or sage; one meaning of
simple is deficient in intelligence
69. b. matutinal means of or relating to the morning; crepuscular
means relating to or resembling twilight
70. a. impecunious means having little or no money, therefore
wealthy is the opposite
71. modest most nearly means
a. attractive
b. clever
c. current
d. humble
72. custom most nearly means
a. dessert
b. habit
c. ethic
d. deliver
73. prolong most nearly means
a. extend
b. inquire
c. relax
d. wait
74. hustle most nearly means
a. dance
b. hurry
c. busy
d. clean
75. solemn most nearly means
a. amusing
b. harmful
c. speech
d. serious
76. imply most nearly means
a. suggest
b. stab
c. thick
d. destroy
Select the word that most nearly means the word
77. ramble most nearly means
a. knot
b. confuse
c. wander
d. wonder
78. beneficial most nearly means
a. help
b. advantageous
c. charity
d. wise
79. flare most nearly means
a. judicial
b. temper
c. style
d. blaze
80. negligent most nearly means
a. pajamas
b. morbid
c. careless
d. dark
81. aloof most nearly means
a. above
b. tidy
c. clever
d. reserved
82. resolve most nearly means
a. turn
b. puzzle
c. decide
d. want
83. congregate most nearly
a. worship
b. gather
c. disturb
d. hurry
84. utter most nearly means
a. express
b. defer
c. borrow
d. laugh
85. fearless most nearly means
a. powerful
b. cowardly
c. brave
d. careful
86. negligible most nearly
a. insignificant
b. arguable
c. careless
d. dark
87. placid most nearly means
a. calm
b. lazy
c. solemn
d. devious
88. rake most nearly means
a. thin
b. scoundrel
c. gentleman
d. shovel

89. dupe most nearly means
a. rancher
b. trick
c. simpleton
d. drug
90. stigma most nearly means
a. stain
b. trial
c. difficulty
d. holiness
91. reside most nearly means
a. remain
b. home
c. dwell
d. sediment
92. covetous most nearly means
a. quiet
b. sneaky
c. lurking
d. greedy
93. abide most nearly means
a. endure
b. hate
c. attendance
d. live
94. shrewd most nearly means
a. intractable
b. mean
c. astute
d. intelligent
95. fetter most nearly means
a. rancid
b. praise
c. hamper
d. persist
96. flagrant most nearly means
a. vibrant
b. glaring
c. vicious
d. pleasant
97. mitigate most nearly means
a. relieve
b. blend
c. defend
d. confuse
98. rail most nearly means
a. scold
b. push
c. try
d. punish
99. meld most nearly means
a. character
b. distinction
c. blend
d. firmness
100. rally most nearly means
a. demonstrate
b. muster
c. course
d. truly

101. abject most nearly means
a. indigent
b. desire
c. despondent
d. extreme
102. bespoke most nearly means
a. gentle
b. quiet
c. tailored
d. handsome
103. diffident most nearly means
a. apathetic
b. shy
c. arrogant
d. quarrelsome
104. proffer most nearly means
a. mendicant
b. wastrel
c. predict
d. tender
105. mordant most nearly means
a. dead
b. gruesome
c. fetid
d. caustic
106. churlish most nearly means
a. childish
b. boorish
c. tempestuous
d. disorderly
107. antediluvian most nearly
a. antiquated
b. parched
c. nonsectarian
d. nonsensical
108. picayune most nearly means
a. petty
b. spicy
c. paltry
d. southern
109. smite most nearly means
a. flee
b. speck
c. dirt
d. strike
110. winnow most nearly means
a. carve
b. wind
c. weed
d. carry

71. d. modest means to be free of conceit or pretension, or humble
72. b. a custom means a long-established practice, or a habit
73. a. to prolong means to lengthen in time, or to extend
74. b. to hustle means to hurry
75. d. solemn means marked by grave sobriety, or serious
76. a. to imply means to express indirectly, or to suggest
77. c. to ramble means to move aimlessly from place to place, or to
78. b. beneficial means causing benefit, or advantageous
79. d. flare means a fire or blaze used to signal; flair means talent or
80. c. negligent means marked by neglect, or careless
81. d. aloof means distant in feeling, or reserved
82. c. one meaning of resolve is to decide, often to stop from doing
83. b. to congregate means to gather in a group
84. a. to utter means to express in words
85. c. fearless means lacking fear, or brave
86. a. negligible means so small or insignificant as to deserve little
87. a. placid means free of disturbance, or calm

88. b. a rake is a dissolute person, or a scoundrel
89. b. to dupe means to deceive or to trick
90. a. stigma means a mark of shame or discredit, or a stain
91. c. to reside means to occupy a place as one’s home, or to dwell
92. d. covetous means having an inordinate desire for wealth, or
93. a. to abide means to endure without yielding, or to withstand
94. c. shrewd means marked by clever awareness, or astute
95. c. to fetter means to hamper, or to restrain
96. b. flagrant means obviously wrong or immoral; glaring means
painfully obvious
97. a. mitigate means to make less severe or painful, or to relieve
98. a. to rail means to scold in harsh, abusive language
99. c. to meld means to merge or to blend
100. b. to rally means to arouse for action, or to muster
101. c. abject means cast down in spirit, or utterly hopeless;
despondent means having lost all hope
102. c. bespoke means custom-made; tailored also means custommade
103. b. diffident means shy or lacking in confidence
104. d. to proffer means to put something forward for acceptance, or to

105. d. mordant means biting or caustic in means or speech
106. b. churlish means resembling an ill-bred or vulgar person, or
107. a. antediluvian means so ancient that it could have come before
the time of the flood and Noah’s ark, or antiquated
108. c. picayune means trivial or of little value; paltry means trivial or
109. d. smite means to strike heavily especially with the hand
110. c. to winnow means to sift or get rid of, like weed, it is often used
with “out’’

111. detain is most opposite to
a. release
b. silence
c. forget
d. prosper
112. famous is most opposite to
a. boring
b. poor
c. obscure
d. untalented
113. colossal is most opposite to
a. easy
b. tiny
c. graceful
d. roof
114. fluid is most opposite to
a. solid
b. liquid
c. afraid
d. decent
115. continue is most opposite to
a. curve
b. argue
c. carry
d. pause
116. labor is most opposite to
a. amuse
b. cat
c. rest
d. strive
Select the word that is most opposite to the word
117. brawny is most opposite to
a. swift
b. weak
c. strong
d. pale
118. fickle is most opposite to
a. steady
b. kind
c. please
d. finagle
119. inept is most opposite to
a. clumsy
b. infer
c. competent
d. foolish
120. pivotal is most opposite to
a. turning
b. wavy
c. unimportant
d. clear
121. cursed is most opposite to
a. swore
b. pious
c. unfortunate
d. lucky
122. candid is most opposite to
a. unkind
b. blunt
c. valid
d. dishonest
123. flaunt is most opposite to
a. regard
b. sink
c. hide
d. propose
124. heal is most opposite to
a. sew
b. foot
c. good
d. maim
125. pacify is most opposite to
a. excite
b. land
c. coddle
d. unhand
126. sullen is most opposite to
a. dirty
b. cheerful
c. clean
d. risen
127. assure is most opposite to
a. alarm
b. reassure
c. quiet
d. unsure
128. fallacious is most opposite to
a. perfect
b. truthful
c. accidental
d. disarming

129. gumption is most opposite to
a. seriousness
b. apathy
c. levity
d. despair
130. ecstasy is most opposite to
a. hate
b. agony
c. languor
d. fatigue
131. astute is most opposite to
a. distraught
b. careful
c. generous
d. gullible
132. winsome is most opposite to
a. dour
b. attractive
c. mysterious
d. clever
133. droll is most opposite to
a. forget
b. charm
c. sedate
d. absurd
134. enigmatic is most opposite to
a. healthy
b. watchful
c. disastrous
d. obvious
135. obtuse is most opposite to
a. slim
b. acute
c. opaque
d. thick
136. obsequious is most
opposite to
a. clear
b. clever
c. domineering
d. dandified
137. doleful is most opposite to
a. empty
b. rich
c. witty
d. vivacious
138. wanton is most opposite to
a. merciful
b. repast
c. brilliant
d. vicious
139. banal is most opposite to
a. sincere
b. wealthy
c. extraordinary
d. trustworthy
140. lugubrious is most
opposite to
a. quick
b. cheerful
c. salubrious
d. dry

141. perspicacious is most
opposite to
a. calm
b. easy
c. dull
d. winsome
142. elan is most opposite to
a. inelegance
b. stupidity
c. obscure
d. despair
143. recondite is most opposite to
a. manifest
b. flexible
c. provident
d. sociable
144. gainsay is most opposite to
a. regret
b. own
c. prudent
d. prude
145. effluvium is most opposite to
a. land
b. essential
c. fragrance
d. solid
146. parsimony is most opposite to
a. generosity
b. sinfulness
c. verbosity
d. tenderness
147. truculent is most opposite to
a. faltering
b. gentle
c. facile
d. submissive
148. spurious is most opposite to
a. disingenuous
b. thoughtless
c. placid
d. genuine
149. welter is most opposite to
a. order
b. freeze
c. patron
d. sustain
150. eclat is most opposite to
a. apathy
b. dullness
c. silence
d. disinterest

111. a. to detain means to hold or keep back; to release means to let go
112. c. famous means widely known; obscure means little known
113. b. colossal means incredibly large, therefore tiny is the opposite
114. a. a fluid is a substance that flows; a solid does not flow
115. d. to continue means to act without interruption; to pause means
to stop temporarily
116. c. to labor means to work; to rest means to cease working
117. b. brawny means muscled or strong, therefore weak is the
118. a. fickle means to lack steadiness, therefore steady is the opposite
119. c. inept means to lack competence, therefore competent is the
120. c. pivotal means very important, or crucial, therefore
unimportant is the opposite
121. d. cursed means to be the subject of misfortune, or to be unlucky,
therefore lucky is the opposite
122. d. candid means to be frank, or honest, therefore dishonest is the
123. c. to flaunt means to display showily, or to show off, therefore
hide is the opposite
124. d. to heal means to restore to health; to maim means to injure
125. a. to pacify means to soothe, or calm, therefore excite is the

126. b. sullen means showing a disagreeable mood, or lacking cheer,
therefore cheerful is the opposite
127. a. to assure means to make sure by removing doubt or worry;
alarm means to give warning or to arouse fear
128. b. fallacious means tending to deceive; truthful means disposed to
tell the truth
129. b. gumption means initiative, or drive; apathy means a lack of
interest or concern
130. b. ecstasy means a state of rapturous delight; agony means intense
pain of mind or body
131. d. astute means shrewd or showing acute mental vision; gullible
means easily duped or cheated
132. a. winsome means cheerful and engaging; dour means gloomy or
133. c. droll means to have a humorous or odd quality; sedate means
unruffled or serious
134. d. enigmatic means mysterious or obscure, therefore obvious is
the opposite
135. b. obtuse means insensitive or stupid; acute means marked by
keen perception or shrewd
136. c. obsequious means subservient or fawning; domineering means
exercising overbearing control
137. d. doleful means full of grief or cheerless; vivacious means full of
life and spirit
138. a. one meaning of wanton is malicious or merciless, therefore
merciful is the opposite

139. c. banal means trite or commonplace, therefore extraordinary is
the opposite
140. b. lugubrious means mournful, or dismal, therefore cheerful is the
141. c. perspicacious means keen or astute, therefore dull is the
142. d. elan means vigorous spirit or enthusiasm; despair means an
utter loss of hope
143. a. recondite means difficult for one of ordinary understanding to
comprehend; manifest means easily understood or recognized
144. b. to gainsay means to deny; one meaning of to own is to admit
145. c. effluvium means an offensive smell; fragrance means a sweet or
delicate odor
146. a. parsimony means thrift or stinginess, therefore generosity is
the opposite
147. b. truculent means cruel or savage, therefore gentle is the
148. d. spurious means lacking genuine qualities, or false, therefore
genuine is the opposite
149. a. welter means a state of wild disorder, or turmoil, therefore
order is the opposite
150. b. eclat means a dazzling effect, or brilliance, therefore dullness is
the opposite

151. deplete
a. decorate
b. beg
c. exhaust
d. hurry
152. voluntary
a. willing
b. charity
c. prisoner
d. careless
153. refute
a. garbage
b. deny
c. offer
d. difficult
154. cheat
a. stingy
b. argue
c. freckle
d. defraud
155. miserable
a. cruel
b. wrong
c. unhappy
d. miss
156. vintage
a. classic
b. alcoholic
c. disease
d. spoiled
Which of these words most nearly means the word
157. tart
a. law
b. acid
c. angry
d. desirable
158. corner
a. display
b. trap
c. paint
d. hurry
159. zest
a. gusto
b. cram
c. worry
d. trial
160. haggle
a. tired
b. climb
c. decrease
d. bargain
161. impel
a. force
b. block
c. hinder
d. discredit
162. throng
a. garment
b. bell
c. mass
d. weight
163. imperial
a. bratty
b. oppressive
c. regal
d. beautiful
164. diffuse
a. difficult
b. scatter
c. incomprehensible
d. unplug
165. hinder
a. lose
b. loose
c. despair
d. check
166. latent
a. dormant
b. recent
c. effeminate
d. desirable
167. wretched
a. twisted
b. forced
c. miserable
d. increased
168. irksome
a. outrageous
b. fearsome
c. impoverished
d. annoying

169. regulate
a. even
b. police
c. flow
d. position
170. warrant
a. justify
b. burrow
c. hide
d. integrity
171. protract
a. hire
b. fold
c. delay
d. corner
172. lax
a. ensure
b. slack
c. servant
d. strive
173. rigor
a. austerity
b. rope
c. fix
d. excess
174. discrete
a. leave
b. diminish
c. squander
d. distinct
175. lissome
a. slow
b. honest
c. supple
d. dull
176. misprize
a. despise
b. devalue
c. erroneous
d. covet
177. impugn
a. imply
b. fret
c. assail
d. recalcitrant
178. supervene
a. intervene
b. overreach
c. displace
d. follow
179. exigent
a. urgent
b. treatise
c. miser
d. expedient
180. fervid
a. delightful
b. difficult
c. obstinate
d. ardent

181. ersatz
a. chaotic
b. artificial
c. impromptu
d. vague
182. redolent
a. ubiquitous
b. odorous
c. shy
d. bellicose
183. turpitude
a. lethargy
b. honor
c. belligerence
d. depravity
184. propinquity
a. habit
b. nearness
c. capacity
d. tendency
185. vociferous
a. numerous
b. bountiful
c. strident
d. garrulous
151. c. deplete means to reduce or deprive or something essential;
exhaust means to empty completely
152. a. voluntary means done by one’s own will, or willing
153. b. to refute means to prove wrong, or to deny the truth of
154. d. to cheat means to influence by means of trickery, or to
155. c. miserable means in a state of distress or unhappiness
156. a. vintage means of old and enduring interest, or classic
157. b. tart means pleasantly sharp or acid to the taste
158. b. to corner means to drive into a corner, or to trap
159. a. one meaning of zest is keen enjoyment, or gusto
160. d. to haggle means to negotiate over terms or price, or to
161. a. to impel means to drive forward using strong moral pressure, or
to force
162. c. a throng is a large number of assembled people, or a mass
163. c. imperial means befitting or suggesting an emperor; regal means
befitting or suggesting a king
164. b. to diffuse means to break up or spread out, or to scatter

165. d. to hinder means to hold back; one meaning of to check means
to slow or bring to a stop
166. a. latent means capable of becoming but not currently visible, or
167. c. wretched means extremely distressed, or miserable
168. d. irksome means tedious or annoying
169. b. to regulate means to bring under the control of law; to police
means to control or keep order
170. a. to warrant means to serve as adequate ground or reason, or to
171. c. to protract means to prolong in time or space, or to delay
172. b. lax means in a relaxed state, or slack
173. a. rigor means severity of life, or austerity
174. d. discrete means individually distinct
175. c. lissome means supple or flexible
176. a. to misprize means to hold in contempt, or to despise
177. c. to impugn means to attack verbally as false or lacking integrity;
to assail means to attack
178. d. to supervene means to follow as an unexpected development
179. a. exigent means demanding immediate attention, or urgent
180. d. fervid means ardent or passionate
181. b. ersatz means a usually artificial or inferior substitute

182. b. redolent means aromatic or full of a specific scent, or
183. d. turpitude means wickedness, or depravity
184. b. propinquity means nearness in place or time
185. c. vociferous means loud and insistent, often in presentation of
demands or requests; strident also means loud and insistent

186. gracious
a. cordial
b. rude
c. furious
d. tactile
187. valor
a. cowardice
b. false
c. drop
d. heavy
188. severe
a. lenient
b. cautious
c. join
d. one
189. imaginative
a. playful
b. written
c. small
d. dull
190. knowing
a. wasteful
b. dense
c. clumsy
d. fast
191. animosity
a. love
b. plantlike
c. barren
d. tiny
Which word is most dissimilar in meaning to the word
192. exact
a. join
b. sympathetic
c. incorrect
d. whole
193. extravagant
a. unknown
b. homebody
c. punctual
d. moderate
194. stamina
a. weakness
b. clear
c. decisive
d. calmness
195. rough
a. tumble
b. sleek
c. fast
d. distant
196. garner
a. unravel
b. mar
c. squander
d. tarnish
197. prodigal
a. thrifty
b. secondary
c. distant
d. squalid
198. tacit
a. grand
b. dictated
c. illicit
d. messy
199. repudiate
a. argue
b. soften
c. slander
d. admit
200. pristine
a. free
b. sullied
c. wide
d. thorough
201. concede
a. sit
b. withstand
c. dismiss
d. elaborate
202. placate
a. appease
b. strip
c. tremendous
d. enrage
203. popular
a. empty
b. uncommon
c. famous
d. feisty

204. felicitous
a. morbid
b. boorish
c. inopportune
d. delightful
205. austere
a. lavish
b. unfavorable
c. light
d. devout
206. insipid
a. cold
b. brave
c. exciting
d. bashful
207. wastrel
a. sober
b. spendthrift
c. mute
d. miser
208. temperate
a. Celsius
b. inordinate
c. lukewarm
d. safely
209. nebulous
a. cloudy
b. dim
c. distinct
d. desirable
210. adroit
a. clumsy
b. left
c. diplomatic
d. unpersuasive
211. mite
a. weakness
b. tend
c. bulk
d. drive
212. supernal
a. nocturnal
b. special
c. despicable
d. hellish
213. reprobate
a. sage
b. elevated
c. possess
d. dismiss
214. specious
a. genuine
b. logical
c. common
d. deliberate
215. effete
a. conquer
b. proper
c. prosperous
d. civilized

216. rabble
a. order
b. clear
c. open
d. union
217. protean
a. unformed
b. unchanging
c. elaborate
d. selective
218. vertiginous
a. horizontal
b. litigious
c. constant
d. lowly
219. parvenu
a. wallflower
b. highway
c. melody
d. plan
220. lapidarian
a. square
b. secular
c. pasture
d. inelegant
186. b. gracious means to be pleasant in a social situation, or cordial;
rude means to be unpleasant
187. a. valor means strength of mind or spirit, or courage; cowardice
means lack of courage
188. a. one meaning of severe is strict; lenient means mild or indulgent
189. d. imaginative means having imagination; dull means lacking
190. b. knowing means having information or knowledge; dense means
dull or stupid
191. a. animosity means resentment or hostility, therefore love is the
192. c. exact means in complete accordance with fact, or correct,
therefore incorrect is the opposite
193. d. extravagant means lacking in restraint and moderation,
therefore moderate is the opposite
194. a. stamina means strength or endurance, therefore weakness is
the opposite
195. b. rough means having an uneven, coarse surface; sleek means
having a smooth, bright surface
196. c. to garner means to gather or to store; to squander means to
cause to disperse or to scatter
197. a. prodigal means wasteful or extravagant; thrifty means thriving
by industry and frugality
198. b. tacit means unspoken, or implied; dictated means spoken

199. d. to repudiate means to reject or deny, therefore to admit is the
200. b. pristine means unspoiled or pure; sullied means spoiled or
201. b. to concede means to yield; to withstand means to successfully
202. d. to placate means to soothe or calm; to enrage means to anger
203. b. popular means frequently encountered or accepted, or
common, therefore uncommon is the opposite
204. c. felicitous means very well-suited or apt; inopportune means
inconvenient or not well-suited
205. a. austere means simple and unadorned; lavish means produced or
expended in abundance
206. c. insipid means lacking in qualities that interest or excite,
therefore exciting is the opposite
207. d. a wastrel is someone who spends foolishly or self-indulgently; a
miser is someone who hoards his or her wealth
208. b. temperate means moderate; inordinate means excessive or
209. c. nebulous means vague or indistinct, therefore distinct is the
210. a. adroit means skillful in the use of the hands, therefore clumsy is
the opposite
211. c. mite means a very small or insignificant part; bulk means the
main or greater part
212. d. supernal means coming from on high, or heavenly; infernal is a
synonym for hellish
213. b. reprobate means morally debased or depraved; one meaning of
elevated is to be on a moral or intellectual high plane
214. a. specious means having a false look of truth or genuineness,
therefore genuine is the opposite
215. b. effete means weak or decadent; one meaning of proper is
virtuous or respectable
216. d. a rabble is a disorderly or disorganized crowd of people; a
union is a group of individuals joined in an organized manner
217. b. protean means showing great diversity or variability, or
versatile, therefore unchanging is the opposite
218. c. vertiginous means inclined to frequent change, or inconstant,
therefore constant is the opposite
219. a. a parvenu is an upstart or a social climber; a wallflower is
someone who refrains from socializing
220. d. lapidarian means having elegance or precision and comes from
the word lapidary, which means a cutter or engraver of precious
stones, therefore inelegant is the opposite

221. delirious is most similar to
a. manic
b. calm
c. tasty
d. suspicious
222. infirm is most similar to
a. hospital
b. weak
c. short
d. fortitude
223. cautious is most dissimilar to
a. reasonable
b. careful
c. illogical
d. reckless
224. lure is most similar to
a. tickle
b. decoy
c. resist
d. suspect
225. perilous is most dissimilar to
a. disciplined
b. similar
c. safe
d. honest
226. isolation is most similar to
a. fear
b. plentitude
c. solitude
d. disease
7 Synonyms and
Read each question carefully and select the word that is
most similar or dissimilar in meaning to the word provided.
227. lull is most similar to
a. pause
b. noise
c. boring
d. mark
228. outfit is most similar to
a. indoors
b. strong
c. special
d. furnish
229. punctual is most dissimilar to
a. close
b. tardy
c. sloppy
d. precious
230. delude is most dissimilar to
a. drought
b. clever
c. enlighten
d. enrage
231. omit is most similar to
a. recluse
b. neglect
c. mistake
d. destroy
232. resilient is most dissimilar to
a. stubborn
b. careless
c. substantial
d. flimsy
233. mutiny is most similar to
a. rebellion
b. currency
c. sailor
d. hassle
234. naive is most similar to
a. rural
b. secular
c. unsophisticated
d. sultry
235. entice is most dissimilar to
a. piece
b. repulse
c. attract
d. repeat
236. solemnity is most similar to
a. lightheartedness
b. gravity
c. diligence
d. sleepiness
237. stingy is most dissimilar to
a. wasteful
b. democratic
c. spiteful
d. liberal
238. malign is most similar to
a. evil
b. malicious
c. slander
d. grandiose

239. impudent is most similar to
a. cautious
b. haphazard
c. gleeful
d. insolent
240. vacillate is most dissimilar to
a. decide
b. teeter
c. dilate
d. please
241. kinetic is most dissimilar to
a. cold
b. static
c. lewd
d. foolish
242. lambaste is most similar to
a. marinade
b. commotion
c. censure
d. tickle
243. kowtow is most dissimilar to
a. snub
b. pull
c. fawn
d. forage
244. rudimentary is most
similar to
a. crass
b. gracious
c. deliberate
d. primitive
245. pitched is most similar to
a. undone
b. retracted
c. heated
d. lovely
246. tepid is most dissimilar to
a. dispassionate
b. scalding
c. crisp
d. clever
247. largesse is most similar to
a. greatness
b. generosity
c. miniscule
d. clumsiness
248. insidious is most dissimilar to
a. repellant
b. pure
c. charming
d. delicious
249. decorum is most similar to
a. etiquette
b. merit
c. parliament
d. slipshod
250. succor is most dissimilar to
a. genius
b. abet
c. injure
d. deciduous

251. enjoin is most dissimilar to
a. sever
b. dislike
c. permit
d. divorce
252. tumid is most similar to
a. swollen
b. fetid
c. aggressive
d. despondent
253. jejune is most similar to
a. youthful
b. insipid
c. charming
d. quick
254. ecumenical is most
dissimilar to
a. spiritual
b. humanistic
c. secular
d. parochial
255. sinecure is most similar to
a. cakewalk
b. serpentine
c. evil
d. dishonest
256. castigate is most similar to
a. neuter
b. punish
c. banish
d. celebrate
257. reconnoiter is most
dissimilar to
a. disarm
b. disassemble
c. distance
d. disregard
258. obloquy is most similar to
a. tirade
b. dependence
c. oval
d. circumlocution
259. recondite is most dissimilar to
a. give
b. obscure
c. patent
d. hardy
260. querulous is most similar to
a. nauseous
b. fretful
c. curious
d. dizzy

221. a. delirious means marked by frenzied excitement, or manic
222. b. infirm means feeble from age, or weak
223. d. cautious means careful; reckless means lacking caution
224. b. a lure is used to attract animals into a trap, like a decoy
225. c. perilous means dangerous, therefore safe is the opposite
226. c. isolation means the state of being alone or withdrawn, or
227. a. a lull is a temporary pause
228. d. to outfit means to supply or to furnish
229. b. punctual means on time; tardy means late
230. c. to delude means to mislead the judgment of someone, or to
trick; to enlighten means to give knowledge to someone
231. b. to omit means to leave out, to fail to perform, or to neglect
232. d. resilient means capable of withstanding shock; flimsy means
lacking in physical strength or substance
233. a. mutiny means resistance to lawful authority, or rebellion
234. c. naive means unaffectedly simple, or unsophisticated
235. b. to entice means attract seductively, or to lure; to repulse means
to cause aversion to, or to disgust
236. b. solemnity means formal or ceremonious observance, or
seriousness; gravity means dignity of bearing, or seriousness

237. d. one meaning of liberal is giving freely, or generous; stingy
means lacking generosity
238. c. to malign means to speak false or harmful things of, or to
239. d. impudent means contemptuously bold or cocky, or insolent
240. a. vacillate means to hesitate among choices, or to waver; decide
means to choose
241. b. kinetic means relating to motion, or dynamic; static means at
rest, or stationary
242. c. to lambaste means to attack verbally, or to censure
243. a. to kowtow means to show fawning deference; to snub means to
treat with contempt
244. d. rudimentary means crude or primitive
245. c. pitched means intensely fought; one meaning of heated is
marked by anger
246. b. tepid means lukewarm; scalding means boiling hot
247. b. largesse means liberal giving or generosity
248. a. insidious means harmful but enticing or seductive; repellant
means arousing aversion or disgust
249. a. decorum means conduct required in social life, or etiquette
250. c. to succor means go to the aid of, or relieve; to injure means to
251. c. enjoin means to forbid or prohibit, therefore permit is the

252. a. tumid means puffy or swollen
253. b. jejune means lacking in substance or interest; insipid means
lacking in qualities to excite or interest
254. d. ecumenical means of or relating to the whole body of churches,
or universal; parochial means of or relating to a parish, or
limited in scope or range
255. a. a sinecure is a job for which little or no work is expected; a
cakewalk is a one-sided competition
256. b. to castigate means to subject to severe punishment
257. d. reconnoiter means to gain information or to explore; disregard
means to pay no attention to
258. a. obloquy means abusive language; tirade means harshly
censorious language
259. c. recondite means hidden from sight or obscure; patent means
readily visible or intelligible
260. b. querulous means habitually complaining, or fretful

261. wrath
a. knot
b. anger
c. crime
d. smoke
262. plethora
a. trouble
b. foolish
c. wealth
d. love
263. calamity
a. potion
b. silence
c. shellfish
d. disaster
264. pompous
a. arrogant
b. supportive
c. busy
d. gaudy
265. prevalent
a. wind
b. servile
c. widespread
d. rare
266. wince
a. flinch
b. cheer
c. crush
d. solitary
Select the word that is most similar in meaning to the
word provided.
267. superficial
a. gorgeous
b. shallow
c. intelligent
d. rich
268. tangle
a. snarl
b. growl
c. dance
d. shiver
269. reform
a. punish
b. destroy
c. display
d. correct
270. methodical
a. rhythmic
b. poetic
c. systematic
d. disrespectful
271. spite
a. joy
b. beverage
c. wonder
d. malice
272. scale
a. climb
b. sail
c. swim
d. skate
273. smudge
a. gloat
b. residue
c. blur
d. celebrate
274. drizzle
a. curly
b. sprinkle
c. sear
d. drench
275. mundane
a. dirty
b. commonplace
c. confused
d. extraordinary
276. pretension
a. stress
b. ambition
c. waste
d. strife
277. affect
a. outcome
b. share
c. pompous
d. cultivate
278. herald
a. insignia
b. postpone
c. hail
d. regal

279. faculty
a. defective
b. school
c. gift
d. desire
280. mirth
a. anger
b. glee
c. sarcasm
d. mistrust
281. drudgery
a. silliness
b. labor
c. evil
d. investigation
282. prerequisite
a. necessary
b. course
c. difficult
d. tar
283. dire
a. questionable
b. forthright
c. traitor
d. urgent
284. grapple
a. struggle
b. trap
c. laugh
d. intend
285. sundry
a. aged
b. supply
c. various
d. tremendous
286. supplant
a. grow
b. replace
c. undo
d. question
287. venerate
a. ordain
b. breathe
c. polish
d. revere
288. conciliate
a. appease
b. disagree
c. revive
d. separate
289. exultant
a. afraid
b. jubilant
c. expectant
d. demanding
290. surreptitious
a. overbearing
b. clandestine
c. indirect
d. impious

291. recalcitrant
a. hesitant
b. subdued
c. unruly
d. subtract
292. pretty
a. plain
b. confusing
c. ugly
d. terrible
293. coterie
a. various
b. flirtation
c. club
d. socialize
294. nefarious
a. infamous
b. macabre
c. evil
d. distinguished
295. curry
a. flatter
b. spicy
c. squander
d. game
296. preternatural
a. immature
b. extraordinary
c. removed
d. unearned
297. pernicious
a. noxious
b. illicit
c. open
d. undecided
298. reprisal
a. accusation
b. loathe
c. retaliation
d. insinuation
299. manifold
a. evident
b. contemporary
c. diverse
d. willing
300. factious
a. sham
b. unreliable
c. seditious
d. argumentative

261. b. wrath means strong, vengeful anger
262. c. abundance means an ample quantity, or wealth
263. d. a calamity is an extraordinarily grave event, or disaster
264. a. pompous means self-important, or arrogant
265. c. prevalent means generally accepted, or widespread
266. a. to wince means to shrink back involuntarily, or to flinch
267. b. superficial means to be concerned only with the surface or
appearance, or shallow
268. a. a tangle is a twisted, knotted mass, or a snarl
269. d. to reform means to change for the better, or to correct
270. c. methodical means proceeding according to an order or system,
or systematic
271. d. spite means petty ill will or hatred, or malice
272. a. one meaning of scale is to climb
273. c. a smudge is a blurry spot or streak
274. b. one meaning of to drizzle is to rain in very small drops, or to
275. b. mundane means ordinary, or commonplace
276. b. pretension means an effort to establish, or ambition
277. d. to affect means to make a display of using or liking something,
or to cultivate

278. c. to herald means to greet with enthusiasm, or to hail
279. c. one meaning of faculty is an ability or gift
280. b. mirth means gladness expressed with laughter, or glee
281. b. drudgery means uninspiring or menial labor
282. a. prerequisite means necessary for carrying out a function
283. d. dire means desperately urgent
284. a. to grapple means to come to grips with, or to struggle
285. c. sundry means an indeterminate number, or various
286. b. to supplant means take the place of, or to replace
287. d. to venerate means to treat with reverential respect, or to revere
288. a. to conciliate means to gain goodwill with pleasing acts, or to
289. b. exultant means filled with or expressing great joy, or jubilant
290. b. surreptitious means done or acquired in stealth, or clandestine
291. c. recalcitrant means defiant of authority, or unruly
292. d. one meaning of pretty is miserable or terrible, as in the
expression “a pretty pickle’’
293. c. a coterie is an intimate or exclusive group or people who share a
common interest or purpose; a club is an association of people
for a common purpose
294. c. nefarious means flagrantly wicked, or evil
295. a. to curry means to seek to gain favor, or to flatter

296. b. preternatural means exceeding what is natural, or
297. a. pernicious means highly injurious or deadly, or noxious
298. c. a reprisal is an act of vengeance, or a retaliation
299. c. manifold means marked by variety, or diverse
300. c. factious means inclined to form factions; seditious means
disposed to insurrection

301. tragic
a. boring
b. mysterious
c. comic
d. incredulous
302. able
a. willful
b. inept
c. careful
d. feasible
303. tireless
a. exhausted
b. unfailing
c. broke
d. driving
304. wean
a. flourish
b. flush
c. strengthen
d. addict
305. haste
a. delay
b. frugal
c. debauchery
d. solemnity
306. malice
a. goodwill
b. bitterness
c. coddle
d. distress
Select the word that is most dissimilar in meaning to the
word provided.
307. permanent
a. loose
b. fierce
c. fleeting
d. unhappy
308. attain
a. crave
b. lose
c. harbor
d. credit
309. taint
a. cheer
b. worry
c. clear
d. purify
310. belittle
a. plain
b. detract
c. magnify
d. torment
311. tedious
a. unwavering
b. frightening
c. horrible
d. pleasurable
312. license
a. restriction
b. allow
c. join
d. gather
313. frivolous
a. pious
b. inexpensive
c. serious
d. contemptuous
314. plain
a. meadow
b. ugly
c. lovely
d. unadorned
315. denounce
a. covet
b. condemn
c. blame
d. deplore
316. contrary
a. urbane
b. agreeable
c. unpleasant
d. despicable
317. glower
a. prairie
b. smile
c. raise
d. throw
318. exacting
a. upright
b. lenient
c. sober
d. general

319. curtail
a. remain
b. detain
c. placate
d. prolong
320. eminent
a. imminent
b. obscure
c. retire
d. unsure
321. abdicate
a. deny
b. usurp
c. blame
d. renounce
322. indolent
a. industrious
b. complimentary
c. native
d. smooth
323. fortuitous
a. undefended
b. gratuitous
c. deliberate
d. impoverished
324. disparage
a. hesitate
b. settle
c. trouble
d. applaud
325. dubious
a. reliable
b. pleasing
c. rhythmic
d. careful
326. interdict
a. continue
b. abstain
c. wallow
d. sanction
327. mendacious
a. bashful
b. capacious
c. veracious
d. quiet
328. lassitude
a. release
b. demure
c. fatigue
d. vigor
329. verdant
a. dishonest
b. suspicious
c. moldy
d. arid
330. ductile
a. unfeeling
b. arrogant
c. precious
d. rigid

331. asperity
a. moistness
b. amenity
c. sour
d. generosity
332. epicurean
a. ascetic
b. slovenly
c. imprecision
d. providential
333. traduce
a. deduce
b. laud
c. presuppose
d. converge
334. bridle
a. heckle
b. dissuade
c. vent
d. persist
335. spare
a. rotund
b. pacify
c. impolite
d. impose
336. proclivity
a. calm
b. antipathy
c. desire
d. dearth
337. vituperation
a. alacrity
b. alertness
c. reparation
d. acclaim
338. gambol
a. trudge
b. hedge
c. crone
d. misplace
339. quixotic
a. simple
b. staid
c. passe
d. unpredictable
340. lachrymose
a. quick
b. loquacious
c. blithe
d. plentiful

301. c. tragic means regrettably serious or sorrowful; comic means
302. b. able means having skill or ability; inept means lacking skill
303. a. tireless means filled with energy; exhausted means depleted of
304. d. to wean means to detach from a dependence; to addict means
to make dependent
305. a. haste means hurry; delay means postponement or
306. a. malice means a desire to see another suffer; goodwill means
desire to see another benefit
307. c. permanent means lasting; fleeting means passing quickly or
308. b. to attain means to achieve or to gain, therefore to lose is the
most dissimilar
309. d. to taint means to contaminate or corrupt; to purify means to
make pure
310. c. to belittle means to make seem little or less; to magnify means
to enlarge
311. d. tedious means boring; pleasurable means enjoyable or
312. a. one meaning of a license is permission; restriction means
313. c. frivolous means lacking seriousness, therefore serious is the
most dissimilar

314. c. plain means lacking in beauty; lovely means beautiful
315. a. one meaning of to denounce is to speak out against; to covet
means to wish for enviously
316. b. contrary means unwilling to accept control or advice; agreeable
means ready or willing to agree
317. b. glower means a sullen brooding look, therefore smile is the
most dissimilar
318. b. exacting means severe; lenient means indulgent
319. d. to curtail means to cut short; to prolong means to lengthen or
320. b. eminent means prominent, or famous; obscure means not
prominent, or unknown
321. b. to abdicate means to renounce power or high office; to usurp
means seize power or high office
322. a. indolent means lazy; industrious means hardworking
323. c. fortuitous means occurring by chance, or accidental; deliberate
means resulting from careful consideration, or voluntary
324. d. to disparage means to speak slightingly about; to applaud
means to express approval
325. a. dubious means questionable or unreliable, therefore reliable is
the most dissimilar
326. d. to interdict means to forbid; to sanction means to approve
327. c. mendacious means dishonest; veracious means truthful or
328. d. lassitude means weariness; vigor means strength or force

329. d. one meaning of verdant is green, especially with plant life; arid
means dry, or lacking enough rainfall for agriculture
330. d. one meaning of ductile is easily led or influenced; one meaning
of rigid is inflexible, set in opinion
331. b. asperity means roughness of surface or manner; amenity means
pleasantness or smoothness of manner
332. a. epicurean means having sensitive and self-indulgent taste
especially in food and wine; ascetic means practicing self-denial
and austerity
333. b. to traduce means to expose to shame or blame; to laud means to
praise or extol
334. c. to bridle means to restrain or keep under control; to vent
means to relieve by means of an outlet
335. a. one meaning of spare is lean; rotund means round or fleshy
336. b. proclivity means inclination or predisposition; antipathy means
settled aversion or dislike
337. d. vituperation means bitter condemnation; acclaim means praise
338. a. to gambol means to skip about in play; to trudge means to
march steadily and laboriously
339. b. quixotic means foolishly impractical and marked by
extravagantly romantic ideals; staid means sedate and marked
by prim self-restraint
340. c. lachrymose means given to weeping, or morose; blithe means
of a happy or lighthearted character, or merry

341. glare is most similar to
a. scowl
b. hide
c. display
d. summon
342. erratic is most similar to
a. enticing
b. frequent
c. difficult
d. irregular
343. civil is most similar to
a. unkind
b. trite
c. public
d. questionable
344. peer is most similar to
a. apple
b. connote
c. fellow
d. recluse
345. fiasco is most similar to
a. festival
b. disaster
c. happenstance
d. ceremony
346. chasm is most similar to
a. gorge
b. charm
c. bridle
d. criticize
Select the word that is closest in meaning to the word
347. expertise is most similar to
a. activity
b. courage
c. mastery
d. effort
348. outlandish is most similar to
a. distant
b. absurd
c. pastoral
d. belligerent
349. pine is most similar to
a. clean
b. hate
c. resolve
d. crave
350. exploit is most similar to
a. answer
b. feat
c. accident
d. persuade
351. culmination is most similar to
a. realization
b. disaster
c. serendipity
d. persuasion
352. feign is most similar to
a. jab
b. swoon
c. pretend
d. dread
353. auspicious is most similar to
a. deceitful
b. foreboding
c. favorable
d. dangerous
354. gambit is most similar to
a. frolic
b. ploy
c. testimony
d. sentence
355. voracious is most similar to
a. ravenous
b. violent
c. voluble
d. rambunctious
356. facile is most similar to
a. ability
b. section
c. vindictive
d. glib
357. eschew is most similar to
a. revert
b. accompany
c. admire
d. abstain
358. abscond is most similar to
a. rob
b. obscure
c. flee
d. absolve

359. knack is most similar to
a. bruise
b. ability
c. keepsake
d. scoundrel
360. apropos is most similar to
a. opportune
b. unexpected
c. misspoken
d. idea
361. veritable is most similar to
a. deep
b. authentic
c. ancient
d. irascible
362. unmitigated is most similar to
a. audacious
b. unpersuasive
c. utter
d. dense
363. epitome is most similar to
a. volume
b. essence
c. summit
d. deliverance
364. edict is most similar to
a. decree
b. vacate
c. correction
d. destiny
365. extol is most similar to
a. praise
b. tax
c. burden
d. berate
366. abeyant is most similar to
a. false
b. disgusting
c. pending
d. novice
367. knell is most similar to
a. copse
b. hill
c. toll
d. rattle
368. soporific is most similar to
a. juvenile
b. drunken
c. delightful
d. hypnotic
369. iterate is most similar to
a. unsettled
b. repeat
c. impoverish
d. announce
370. bulwark is most similar to
a. conundrum
b. festival
c. rampart
d. confuse

371. pedantic is most similar to
a. pedestrian
b. arduous
c. fickle
d. consequential
372. bumptious is most similar to
a. backward
b. arrogant
c. clumsy
d. rugged
373. expiation is most similar to
a. breathing
b. immigration
c. divergence
d. atonement
374. flagitious is most similar to
a. deliberate
b. fatiguing
c. villainous
d. habitual
375. inveigle is most similar to
a. cajole
b. complexity
c. hoodwink
d. distress

341. a. to glare means to stare angrily; to scowl means to have an angry
342. d. erratic means lacking regularity, or irregular
343. c. one meaning of civil is involving the general public
344. c. a peer is a person belonging to the same group; a fellow is an
equal in rank, or a member of the same group
345. b. a fiasco is a complete failure, or a disaster
346. a. a chasm is a deep split in the earth, or a gorge
347. c. expertise and mastery both mean special skills or knowledge
348. b. outlandish means extremely out of the ordinary; absurd means
ridiculously unreasonable
349. d. to pine means to long for, or to crave
350. b. an exploit is a notable or heroic act; a feat is a courageous deed
351. a. culmination means the act of reaching the highest point, or
decisive action; realization means the act of bringing into
concrete existence
352. c. to feign means to assert as if true, or to pretend
353. c. auspicious means marked by favorable signs
354. b. one meaning of gambit is a calculated move; a ploy is a tactic
355. a. voracious and ravenous mean having a huge appetite
356. d. facile means easily achieved and often lacking sincerity; glib
means marked by ease and lacking depth and substance

357. d. to eschew means to avoid habitually, or to abstain
358. c. to abscond means to depart secretly; to flee means to run away
359. b. a knack is a special ability
360. a. apropos means being both relevant and appropriate; opportune
means occurring at an appropriate time
361. b. veritable means not false or imagined, or authentic
362. c. unmitigated means offering little chance of change or relief, or
absolute; utter means total or absolute
363. b. an epitome is a typical or ideal example; essence is the real or
very basic nature of something
364. a. an edict is an official proclamation; a decree is an order with
the force of the law
365. a. to extol means to praise highly
366. c. abeyant means in a period of temporary inactivity, or pending
367. c. to knell means to sound in an ominous manner; to toll means to
sound in long measured strokes; both words are used to
describe the ringing of bells
368. d. soporific means causing sleep; hypnotic means tending to
produce sleep
369. b. to iterate means to say or do again, or to repeat
370. c. a bulwark is a solid wall-like structure raised for defense, or a
371. a. pedantic means ostentatiously or narrowly learned, or
unimaginative; one meaning of pedestrian is commonplace or

372. b. bumptious means noisily self-assertive; arrogant means
disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth
373. d. expiation means the act of making atonement; atonement
means reparation for an offense or injury
374. c. flagitious means marked by outrageous crime or vice; villainous
means having the characteristics of a deliberate criminal or
375. a. to inveigle means to win over with flattery; to cajole means to
persuade with flattery

376. prudent is most dissimilar to
a. simple
b. rapid
c. foolish
d. verbose
377. forced is most dissimilar to
a. quick
b. solid
c. trusting
d. natural
378. acquaint is most dissimilar to
a. alienate
b. luxurious
c. bleach
d. stall
379. expansive is most dissimilar to
a. generous
b. honest
c. narrow
d. troublesome
380. benign is most dissimilar to
a. malignant
b. converse
c. cautious
d. malicious
381. foster is most dissimilar to
a. discourage
b. believe
c. heal
d. brag
Select the word that is most dissimilar in meaning to the
word provided.
382. ample is most dissimilar to
a. complete
b. insufficient
c. quiet
d. supple
383. deviant is most dissimilar to
a. winding
b. careful
c. normal
d. sad
384. abolish is most dissimilar to
a. vote
b. punish
c. avoid
d. establish
385. forsake is most dissimilar to
a. craft
b. embrace
c. shun
d. infer
386. tractable is most dissimilar to
a. invisible
b. stubborn
c. unadvisable
d. special
387. dexterous is most
dissimilar to
a. clumsy
b. saline
c. cunning
d. precious
388. aerate is most dissimilar to
a. argue
b. placate
c. suffocate
d. destroy
389. venerable is most
dissimilar to
a. impervious
b. constant
c. sophomoric
d. infirm
390. rancor is most dissimilar to
a. ritual
b. argument
c. collect
d. accord
391. daunt is most dissimilar to
a. calm
b. believe
c. inspirit
d. dispel
392. paucity is most dissimilar to
a. excess
b. certainty
c. timidity
d. beauty
393. heedless is most dissimilar to
a. heartless
b. attentive
c. speedy
d. unaware

394. abound is most dissimilar to
a. rest
b. discourage
c. bless
d. dwindle
395. confederate is most
dissimilar to
a. enemy
b. confuse
c. wander
d. cluster
396. resplendent is most
dissimilar to
a. illuminated
b. disarming
c. dowdy
d. delightful
397. onerous is most dissimilar to
a. permissive
b. easy
c. unforgiving
d. public
398. sagacity is most dissimilar to
a. incredulity
b. belligerence
c. stupidity
d. tolerance
399. dilettante is most dissimilar to
a. puritan
b. professional
c. aesthete
d. conniver
400. unalloyed is most
dissimilar to
a. dismayed
b. impure
c. circumspect
d. disastrous
401. banner is most dissimilar to
a. forgettable
b. casual
c. unrestrained
d. unwitting
402. discalced is most dissimilar to
a. calculated
b. measured
c. inclined
d. shod
403. scurrilous is most
dissimilar to
a. honest
b. decent
c. peaceful
d. satisfactory
404. pulchritudinous is most
dissimilar to
a. pacifist
b. rare
c. smooth
d. unsightly
405. dyspeptic is most dissimilar to
a. trusting
b. functional
c. euphoric
d. talented

406. reliction is most dissimilar to
a. dedication
b. demolition
c. flood
d. problem
407. villenage is most dissimilar to
a. nobility
b. lineage
c. directness
d. dullness
408. craven is most dissimilar to
a. stalwart
b. release
c. distinguished
d. comfortable
409. prolix is most dissimilar to
a. brief
b. exquisite
c. reasonable
d. distinct
410. lambent is most dissimilar to
a. praise
b. present
c. dull
d. rough

376. c. prudent means marked by wisdom or good judgment; foolish
means marked by a lack of good sense or prudence
377. d. forced means produced with effort; natural means uncultivated
or spontaneous
378. a. to acquaint means to get to know or to become friendly; to
alienate means to cause unfriendliness or hostility
379. c. expansive means sizeable or extensive; narrow means restricted
380. d. one meaning of benign is of a gentle disposition; malicious
means marked by mischievous impulse
381. a. to foster means to encourage; to discourage means to deprive
of courage or confidence
382. b. ample means more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity, or
sufficient, therefore, insufficient is the most dissimilar
383. c. deviant means departing from the established norm, or
abnormal, therefore normal is the most dissimilar
384. d. to abolish means to do away with entirely; to establish means
to bring into existence
385. b. to forsake means to renounce; one meaning of to embrace is to
welcome or include
386. b. tractable means easily handled or managed; stubborn means
difficult to handle or manage
387. a. dexterous means skillful with the hands; clumsy means lacking
dexterity, nimbleness, or grace
388. c. to aerate means to supply with oxygen; to suffocate means to
deprive of oxygen

389. c. venerable means impressive by reason of age; sophomoric
means poorly informed and immature
390. d. rancor means bitter ill-will; one meaning of accord is balanced
interrelationship, or harmony
391. c. to daunt means to lessen the courage of; to inspirit means to
give vigor or courage
392. a. paucity means smallness of number; excess means ample
393. b. heedless means inconsiderate or thoughtless; attentive means
heedful or mindful of the comfort of others
394. d. to abound means to be present in great numbers; to dwindle
means to become steadily less
395. a. a confederate is an ally or accomplice; an enemy is an opponent
396. c. resplendent means characterized by glowing splendor; dowdy
means not neat or attractive in appearance, or shabby
397. b. onerous means burdensome or troublesome, therefore easy is
the most dissimilar
398. c. sagacity means wisdom; stupidity means a lack of wisdom
399. b. a dilettante is a person having a superficial interest in an art or
branch or knowledge; a professional is a person who engages
in a pursuit as a profession
400. b. unalloyed means pure, therefore impure is the most dissimilar
401. a. banner means distinguished from all others in excellence, or
unforgettable, therefore forgettable is the most dissimilar
402. d. discalced means barefoot; shod means wearing shoes

403. b. scurrilous means given to using foul language, or crass; decent
means conforming to standards of propriety
404. d. pulchritudinous means marked by physical beauty; unsightly
means not pleasing to the sight, or ugly
405. c. dyspeptic means showing a sour disposition; euphoric means
marked by feeling or well-being
406. c. reliction means the gradual recession of water leaving the land
dry; flood means the rising and overflow of a body of water
onto dry land
407. a. villenage means the peasant or commoner class; nobility means
the noble class, or gentry
408. a. craven means cowardly; stalwart means marked by outstanding
strength or vigor
409. a. prolix means unduly prolonged, therefore brief is the most
410. c. lambent means softly bright or radiant; dull means lacking in
brightness or shine

411. heed
a. trek
b. consider
c. consolidate
d. bound
412. edge
a. diffuse
b. point
c. force
d. dissuade
413. elevate
a. lessen
b. mention
c. affix
d. hoist
414. appoint
a. score
b. discuss
c. nominate
d. ensure
415. hoard
a. stockpile
b. burrow
c. mine
d. dessert
416. homogeneous
a. alike
b. strange
c. polite
d. alkaline
Select the word that is most similar in meaning to the
word provided.
417. hub
a. counsel
b. elder
c. center
d. extension
418. tame
a. lost
b. evasive
c. pushy
d. submissive
419. irk
a. shrug
b. irritate
c. devour
d. avoid
420. loom
a. disappear
b. cut
c. surface
d. teach
421. fitful
a. erratic
b. angry
c. tired
d. pronounced
422. gaudy
a. massive
b. mindful
c. tasteful
d. flashy
423. flaunt
a. conceal
b. parade
c. trust
d. fray
424. flex
a. bend
b. binge
c. rid
d. consume
425. tantalize
a. pronounce
b. reign
c. equal
d. flirt
426. dastardly
a. devastating
b. cowardly
c. clever
d. munificent
427. aficionado
a. novice
b. trickster
c. devotee
d. agent
428. contiguous
a. catching
b. divided
c. adjoining
d. circumstantial

b. expert
c. divinity
d. debonair
430. rogue
a. knave
b. wander
c. buffoon
d. color
431. apologist
a. liar
b. defender
c. failure
d. admirer
432. proxy
a. spasm
b. closeness
c. delegate
d. court
433. buffet
a. protect
b. barricade
c. armoire
d. strike
434. travesty
a. confusion
b. mockery
c. disaster
d. speculation
435. bristle
a. aloof
b. seethe
c. wave
d. doubt
436. admonish
a. laud
b. decorate
c. caution
d. admire
437. wheedle
a. retreat
b. deceive
c. plead
d. question
438. aplomb
a. mine
b. clumsiness
c. complication
d. poise
439. aver
a. dissipate
b. create
c. hate
d. state
440. mien
a. carriage
b. average
c. vicious
d. disguise

441. paroxysm
a. conundrum
b. fit
c. contraction
d. spite
442. aegis
a. superstition
b. reference
c. sponsorship
d. archive
443. sepulture
a. burial
b. parasite
c. verse
d. sermon
444. harridan
a. governor
b. vessel
c. witch
d. lawyer
445. apothegm
a. medicine
b. adage
c. speculation
d. resistance
446. grandiloquence
a. respect
b. bluster
c. denial
d. solemnity
447. fulmination
a. explosion
b. recession
c. achievement
d. blessing
448. pococurante
a. native
b. hot
c. blasé
d. hidden
449. escarpment
a. warning
b. cliff
c. campsite
d. tomb
450. plutocrat
a. banker
b. priest
c. judge
d. astronomer

411. b. to heed means to pay attention to, or to consider
412. a. to edge means to force or move gradually (as in to edge off the road)
413. d. to elevate means to lift up, or raise; to hoist means to raise into
414. c. to appoint means to name officially, often to a position; to
nominate means to appoint or propose for office
415. a. to hoard means to gather a hidden supply; to stockpile means
accumulate a reserve of something
416. a. homogeneous means descended from the same ancestral type,
or alike
417. c. a hub is a center of activity
418. d. tame means deficient in spirit or courage, or submissive
419. b. to irk means to annoy or irritate
420. c. to loom means to come into sight in enlarged or distorted form;
to surface means to come to the surface or into view
421. a. fitful means having intermittent or irregular character; erratic
means lacking regularity
422. d. gaudy means ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented; flashy
means ostentatious or showy
423. b. to flaunt means to display ostentatiously or impudently; to
parade means to exhibit ostentatiously
424. a. to flex means to bend

425. d. to tantalize means to tease by presenting something desirable;
to flirt means to behave amorously without serious intent
426. b. dastardly means despicably mean or cowardly
427. c. an aficionado is a fan, or a devotee
428. c. contiguous means touching along a boundary or point;
adjoining means joining at a point or line
429. a. a swindler is a person who takes money or property through
fraud or deceit; a charlatan is a person who pretends to have
knowledge or ability, or a fraud
430. a. a rogue is a dishonest person; a knave is a tricky deceitful
431. b. an apologist is a person who writes or speaks in defense of a
cause, or a defender
432. c. a proxy is a person who has the power to act for another, or a
433. d. to buffet means to strike repeatedly
434. b. a travesty is a distorted or grossly inferior imitation; a mockery
is an insincere or contemptible imitation
435. b. to bristle is to take on an aggressive or angry appearance; to
seethe means to experience violent internal agitation
436. c. to admonish means to express warning in a gentle manner, or to
437. c. to wheedle means to influence using soft words or flattery; to
plead means to entreat or appeal earnestly
438. d. aplomb means complete composure or self-assurance, or poise

439. d. to aver means to declare positively, or to state
440. a. mien means appearance or demeanor; carriage means manner
of holding one’s body, or posture
441. b. a paroxysm is an attack or convulsion, or a fit
442. c. aegis means protection, or sponsorship
443. a. sepulture means burial
444. c. a harridan is a shrew, or a witch
445. b. an apothegm is a short, pithy saying; an adage is a saying that
embodies a common observation
446. b. grandiloquence means lofty or pompous eloquence; one
meaning of bluster is loudly boastful speech
447. a. a fulmination is a sudden or loud noise, or an explosion
448. c. pococurante means indifferent or nonchalant; blasé means
apathetic to pleasure
449. b. an escarpment is a long cliff or a steep slope
450. a. a plutocrat is one who rules by virtue of wealth; a banker is one
who engages in the business of finance

451. subsequent
a. aloof
b. previous
c. following
d. dismissive
452. abrupt
a. continue
b. laudable
c. anticipated
d. careless
453. conserve
a. waste
b. silence
c. liberal
d. complicate
454. waive
a. retain
b. snub
c. imprison
d. display
455. erode
a. compost
b. clarify
c. ignore
d. restore
456. recall
a. rebate
b. demonstrate
c. forget
d. despise
Select the word that is most dissimilar in meaning to the
word provided.
457. dormant
a. clever
b. active
c. dreamy
d. invisible
458. procrastinate
a. lengthen
b. soothe
c. hurry
d. demolish
459. docile
a. intelligent
b. unruly
c. unreachable
d. pale
460. impromptu
a. rehearsed
b. bizarre
c. foolish
d. disarming
461. denigrate
a. blame
b. hide
c. query
d. uphold
462. bent
a. curved
b. disinclination
c. careful
d. lustrous
463. solvent
a. soggy
b. confusing
c. broke
d. critical
464. disconsolate
a. joyful
b. inhospitable
c. anguished
d. rude
465. brusque
a. cold
b. opulent
c. gracious
d. suspect
466. callow
a. kind
b. urbane
c. sensitive
d. gentle
467. countenance
a. force
b. genuine
c. deny
d. verify
468. cachet
a. release
b. explanation
c. thinness
d. ignominy

469. evince
a. convince
b. hallow
c. hide
d. interpret
470. vainglorious
a. horrible
b. fierce
c. greedy
d. modest
471. iniquitous
a. virtuous
b. complacent
c. equal
d. virulent
472. obstreperous
a. short
b. tame
c. strict
d. distant
473. ebullient
a. aggressive
b. acrid
c. unjust
d. glum
474. halcyon
a. obtrusive
b. advanced
c. tempestuous
d. unscientific
475. imprimatur
a. servant
b. teacher
c. disapproval
d. rustic
476. odium
a. fragrance
b. ease
c. admiration
d. trust
477. mephitic
a. honest
b. healthy
c. simple
d. rural
478. platitudinous
a. hilly
b. exhilarating
c. confounded
d. advantageous
479. facultative
a. compulsory
b. insipid
c. pending
d. decisive
480. persiflage
a. coddle
b. admiration
c. silence
d. clarity

451. b. subsequent means following in time or order; previous means
going before in time or order
452. c. abrupt means occurring without warning, or sudden;
anticipated means expected
453. a. to conserve means to keep safe or preserve, which is the
opposite of to waste
454. a. to waive means to give up voluntarily; to retain means to keep
455. d. to erode means to wear away; to restore means to bring back to
an original state
456. c. to recall means to remember, which is the opposite of to forget
457. b. dormant means temporarily inactive, which is the opposite of
458. c. to procrastinate means to delay or put off, which is the opposite
of to hurry
459. b. docile means easily taught; unruly means not easily managed or
460. a. impromptu means unplanned or unrehearsed; rehearsed means
trained or practiced
461. d. to denigrate means to deny the importance of something, or to
belittle; to uphold means to support or to elevate
462. b. a bent is a strong inclination or capacity; a disinclination is a
slight aversion
463. c. one meaning of solvent is able to pay all debts; broke means

464. a. disconsolate means cheerless or dejected, which is the opposite
of joyful
465. c. brusque means blunt in manner or speech to the point of being
ungracious; gracious means marked by charm and good taste
466. b. callow means unsophisticated; urbane means sophisticated
467. c. to countenance means to extend approval or sanction; to deny
means to refuse to grant
468. d. cachet means prestige; ignominy means disgrace
469. c. to evince means to display clearly or reveal, which is the
opposite of to hide
470. d. vainglorious means boastful, which is the opposite of modest
471. a. iniquitous means wicked; virtuous means morally excellent
472. b. obstreperous means stubbornly resistant to control or unruly;
tame means docile or submissive
473. d. ebullient means lively or enthusiastic; glum means dreary or
474. c. halcyon means calm or peaceful; tempestuous means turbulent
or stormy
475. c. imprimatur means sanction or approval, therefore disapproval
is the most dissimilar
476. c. odium means hatred and condemnation; admiration means a
feeling of delighted approval
477. b. mephitic means relating to a foul, noxious exhalation from the
earth; a mephitic environment would be unhealthy, so healthy
is its opposite

478. b. platitudinous means full of or characterized by banal, trite
remarks; exhilarating means refreshing or exciting
479. a. facultative means optional; compulsory means mandatory, or
not optional
480. c. persiflage means frivolous talk, therefore silence is the most

481. beckon is most similar to
a. light
b. beg
c. motion
d. hear
482. earnest is most dissimilar to
a. cheap
b. frivolous
c. release
d. civilized
483. execute is most similar to
a. perform
b. decide
c. wonder
d. dismiss
484. idiom is most similar to
a. stupidity
b. recipe
c. fastener
d. expression
485. accelerate is most dissimilar to
a. delay
b. risk
c. monitor
d. deny
486. engross is most similar to
a. fatten
b. absorb
c. disgust
d. destroy
14 Synonyms and
Read each question carefully and select the word that is
the most similar or most dissimilar in meaning to the word
487. impervious is most
dissimilar to
a. kind
b. disastrous
c. prone
d. perfect
488. brood is most similar to
a. wander
b. direction
c. progeny
d. tribe
489. balk is most similar to
a. crow
b. fight
c. distress
d. hamper
490. conversant is most
dissimilar to
a. inexperienced
b. unprepared
c. shy
d. unpretentious
491. staunch is most similar to
a. faithful
b. strict
c. biased
d. political
492. unctuous is most dissimilar to
a. pliant
b. cruel
c. sincere
d. rubbery
493. hubris is most similar to
a. earth
b. pride
c. humility
d. sorrow
494. bemuse is most dissimilar to
a. depress
b. inspire
c. clarify
d. desire
495. contrite is most similar to
a. brief
b. malicious
c. banal
d. rueful
496. beset is most similar to
a. hector
b. decorate
c. establish
d. suspect
497. penurious is most
dissimilar to
a. generous
b. lenient
c. injurious
d. relaxed
498. perfidy is most similar to
a. incompleteness
b. ideal
c. betrayal
d. braggart

499. ascription is most similar to
a. account
b. attribution
c. cure
d. description
500. fustigate is most dissimilar to
a. inveigle
b. investigate
c. explain
d. praise
501. bagatelle is most similar to
a. paste
b. bread
c. bauble
d. pirouette

481. c. to beckon means to signal or summon with a wave or a nod; to
motion means to gesture
482. b. earnest means grave or serious; frivolous means lacking in
483. a. one meaning of to execute is to carry out fully; one meaning of
to perform is to carry out
484. d. an idiom is an expression that is unique either grammatically
or in meaning
485. a. to accelerate means to cause to move faster; to delay means to
move or act slowly
486. b. to engross means to occupy completely; one meaning of to
absorb is to engage or engross wholly
487. c. impervious means to be incapable of being affected or
disturbed; prone means having a tendency or inclination, or
being likely
488. c. a brood is the young of an animal or a family of young;
progeny is the offspring of animals or plants
489. d. one meaning of to balk is to check or to stop; to hamper means
to impede or restrain
490. a. conversant means having knowledge or experience with,
therefore inexperienced is the most dissimilar
491. a. staunch means steadfast in loyalty or principle, or faithful
492. c. unctuous means marked by a smug or false earnestness, or
insincere, therefore sincere is the most dissimilar
493. b. hubris means exaggerated pride or self-confidence

494. c. to bemuse means to make confused, or to bewilder; to clarify
means to make free from confusion
495. d. contrite means penitent for sin or failing; rueful means
496. a. to beset means to trouble or harass; to hector means to
intimidate or harass
497. a. penurious means given to extreme stinginess or frugality, which
is the opposite of generous
498. c. perfidy means an act of disloyalty, or betrayal
499. b. ascription means the act of referring to a supposed cause,
source, or author; attribution means the act of explaining by
indicating a cause, or the act of ascribing a work to a particular
author or artist
500. d. to fustigate means to criticize severely, which is the opposite of
to praise
501. c. a bagatelle is a trifle (something of little value or importance); a
bauble is a trinket or a trifle

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